
PARIVISION first to ESL One Bangkok 2024 grand finals, BetBoom and Liquid round out Top 3

PARIVISION first to ESL One Bangkok 2024 grand finals, BetBoom and Liquid round out Top 3

PARIVISION first to ESL One Bangkok 2024 grand finals, BetBoom and Liquid round out Top 3

PARIVISION, BetBoom, Liquid survive to final day of ESL One Bangkok 2024

Lower bracket quarterfinals

AVULUS0-2Team Spirit

The penultimate day of the tournament opened in the second lower bracket quarterfinals match, where Spirit soundly swept AVULUS to earn the right to face Liquid in the lower bracket semifinals at the end of the day.

Spirit started the series strong by stomping AVULUS to the tune of a 28-6 kill lead in just 30 minutes of action behind strong performances from Alan “Satanic” Gallyamov on Templar Assassin and Denis “Larl” Sigitov on Monkey King. Both players had eight kills and combined for 16 assists, with Satanic also ending the game with zero deaths while Larl had two.

AVULUS put up a better fight in game two, though that isn’t really saying much as Spirit still easily secured the 2-0 series sweep in a 33-minute rout and with a 35-12 kill lead. Satanic had another standout performance on Templar Assassin to close out the match, finishing with 16 kills and eight assists on just one death.

With a quick victory over AVULUS, Spirit had a lot of time to rest and prepare to face Liquid in the lower bracket semifinals.

Upper bracket finals

BetBoom Team 1-2 PARIVISION

The second series of the day saw BetBoom and PARIVISION, the two best-performing teams of the tournament so far, clash for the first spot in the grand finals. 

BetBoom struck first with a comfortable 35-minute win in game one behind strong performances from its core trio of Ivan “Pure” Moskalenko on Slark, Gleb “kiyotaka” Ziryanov on Invoker, and Matvey “MieRo” Vasyunin on Axe. Pure paced his team’s 30-18 kill lead with 10 kills and three assists on five deaths while kiyotaka and MieRo had seven kills and 13 assists apiece against four and two deaths, respectively.

PARIVISION took the fight to BetBoom in game two with Remco “Crystallis” Arets on Razor, Volodymyr “No[o]ne” Minenko on Tiny, and Dmitry “DM” Dorokhin on an offlane Terrorblade. BetBoom opted for a greedier lineup with Pure on Alchemist, kiyotaka on Lina, and MieRo on Axe once again. While BetBoom would have the gold lead for the entirety of the game, PARIVISION repeatedly bested them in teamfights to eventually force the series to a decider after 42 minutes of action. 

Game three saw both teams pull out a couple of unorthodox picks. PARIVISION went with an offlane Venomancer for DM to go with Crystallis’ Gyrocopter and No[o]ne’s Puck, while BetBoom picked Juggernaut for Pure along with Tiny for kiyotaka and Magnus for MieRo.

The two sides went blow-for-blow in the decider, though BetBoom caught the worst of these exchanges as Pure kept dying – finishing with seven total deaths – while Crystallis’ growth was largely unimpeded as PARIVISION’s cores all finished with just four deaths apiece. Despite PARIVISION having both the gold lead and momentum on their side, BetBoom managed to put up a stubborn defense to draw things out into a chaotic late game slugfest. But in the end, PARIVISION were able to break through to claim the 52-minute victory and advance to the grand finals.  

Lower bracket semifinals

Team Liquid 2-1 Team Spirit

After showstopping performances from Satanic on Templar Assassin in their series versus AVULUS, Spirit’s game plan against Liquid had their carry player on Medusa alongside Puck for Larl and Magnus for Abdimalik “Malik`” Sailau. Liquid looked to match their opponents with Micke “miCKe” Vu‘s Morphling, Michał “Nisha” Jankowski‘s Earthshaker, and  Jonáš “SabeRLighT-” Volek‘s Mars.

After a slow laning stage, both teams clashed all throughout the mid game with Liquid coming away with the lead. However, Satanic’s Medusa eventually grew to become an unkillable beast that allowed Spirit to get the perfect initiations in the crucial late game fights. Eventually, Spirit weathered everything Liquid had to throw at them to take their opening win of the series just before the one hour mark. Satanic notably finished the game with 10 kills and 12 assists on five deaths.

Spirit went with Satanic’s Medusa again in game two, which Liquid countered with a rarely-seen Anti-Mage pick for miCKe. Nisha and SabeRLight were also put on Ember Spirit and Primal Beast, respectively, to join their carry in diving at the enemy Medusa and bursting it down in teamfights.

Liquid’s draft worked wonders as the Medusa simply couldn’t survive getting jumped by Anti-Mage, Ember Spirit, and Primal Beast. While an excellent teamfight from Spirit gave them a momentary lead and barracks advantage, Liquid struck back by taking down the enemy Medusa in back-to-back-to-back teamfights to equalise the series after 41 minutes. MiCKe finished the game with 13 kills and assists apiece while Nisha had nine kills and 14 assists, with both players also only having two deaths.

With their tournament lives on the line in game three, Spirit drafted a greedy lineup with Satanic on Slark, Larl on Sniper, and Malik on Doom. Liquid countered with a fast-paced, heavy teamfight composition headlined by miCKe’s carry Nature’s Prophet, Nisha’s Earth Spirit, and SabeRLight’s Tidehunter.

Just like game two, things seem to have been decided from the draft alone as Liquid dominated the laning stage and proceeded to run over a Spirit lineup that was struggling to even come online. Despite Spirit’s best efforts to mount a comeback, they simply didn’t have the right heroes to stop Liquid from bulldozing through them and securing the 2-1 series victory in 33 minutes.

With the day’s results, PARIVISION have guaranteed themselves at least a second place finish as well as $175,000 in winnings. Of course, they have their sights set on claiming the championship of ESL One Bangkok 2024, as well as the lion’s share of $300,000 out of the tournament’s $1 million prize pool. 

Meanwhile, Spirit bow out of ESL One Bangkok 2024 with a commendable fourth place finish and $85,000 in consolation. AVULUS also exit the tournament in 5th-6th place and will take home $57,500 for their efforts. 

The final day of ESL One Bangkok 2024 will begin with the lower bracket finals between BetBoom and Liquid. The winner of that match will then face PARIVISION in the best-of-five grand finals.

ESL One Bangkok 2024 will be hosted from December 9 to 15 and is split into two distinct stages: the Group Stage, running from December 9 to 11, and the Playoffs, running from December 13 to 15. The Group Stage will only be broadcasted online, but the Playoffs will be hosted in front of a live audience in Bangkok’s Royal Paragon Hall.

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